Bruxism: what is it about?
Bruxism, from the Greek βρύχω, brùcho, means '' gnashing '' (gnashing the teeth); it is the involuntary act of rubbing and clenching the teeth of the two arches in a rhythmic and impetuous manner during sleep, reaching a more acute form during the REM phase (nocturnal bruxism). It can also occur while awake (daytime bruxism) when you are particularly tense and concentrated or if you are subjected to a greater load of stress.

Bruxism, which occurs mainly during night rest, is caused by the involuntary contraction of the chewing muscles. These rhythmic movements can follow each other for a few seconds during the night. In the most serious cases, these anomalous movements can also occur during the daytime, so much so that those who suffer from them always have their teeth in a clenched position.
Bruxism is considered a parafunction, an action that is not aimed at any purpose but afflicts a percentage equal to 5-20% of the world adult and infant population (in this case we are talking about infantile bruxism or children's bruxism, which can be found in particular during adolescence).
Bruxism symptoms
Bruxism if not treated in time leads to abrasion and wear of the teeth. Damage to worn tooth enamel results in increased sensitivity to heat and cold. Furthermore, the lack of enamel coverage facilitates the onset of caries and microfractures as well as increasing wear as the dentin, present under the worn enamel, has a poor resistance to abrasion.
In the morning you may have a feeling of dry mouth, earache, jaw pain, and soreness of the chewing muscles. You can also have neck and back discomfort (back pain bruxism) as the whole muscle balance is altered.
Grinding your teeth at night can sometimes be noisy so much so that it is found by family members who are close to him and not by the patient himself who does not perceive anything.
Over time, bruxism leads to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction . Affected people often experience pain when yawning or opening their mouths wide and have a sore jaw.

Excessive load on the teeth of bruxists also causes a abnormal withdrawal of the gums which if left untreated can give rise to periodontitis .
Obviously worn teeth are not only aesthetically ugly but also thin and sharp, creating trauma on the lips, cheeks and tongue.
Furthermore, the chewing function of worn teeth is greatly impaired.
Bruxism remedies: the BITE
Bruxism cure. The most used remedy against bruxism is the bite, a resin mask modeled according to your dental arches, which acts as a protection for the teeth by reducing the damage caused by excessive rubbing and helping to relax the muscles of the temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) in order to eliminate aches and pains.
Night teeth protection - Night bruxism remedies - Stiff or soft bite bruxism - Bite bruxism
Bruxism bite. The bite is interposed between the dental arches
and prevent contact; at the same time
this mask protects the tooth enamel from wear
and promotes mandibular realignment. It has been seen in fact
that an incorrect relationship between the two arches alters the balance
muscle triggering some of the worst symptoms of bruxism.
The bites are worn mainly at night even if in cases with
painful symptomatology is advisable
wear the mask even during the day.
The consequences determined by the use of the bite have been defined,
by some patients, "miraculous". Failure to make contact of the teeth due
of the mask decreases the intensity of nocturnal muscular effort ,
promoting muscle relaxation.
Worn teeth reconstructions
The bite is to be considered only an indispensable first intervention in the presence of muscle aches important and persistent. The definitive intervention consists in reconstructing and restoring the part of the dentition worn out due to dental rubbing.
Reconstruction of worn teeth. When the teeth are very worn due to the anomalous grinding that persists for a long time it is possible, using a particular adhesive technique for which we study Stay we are specialized, reconstruct the worn part with composite material equal to that used for the dental fillings . In this way you avoid "encapsulating" the teeth, significantly reducing costs.
In some cases the reconstruction of worn teeth, if done in a certain way,
it can also avoid the use of the bite. Reconstructed teeth can relax
chewing muscles and promote mandibular realignment.
In some cases, years of bruxism can be used to remedy years of bruxism
at the prosthesis fixes on natural (worn) teeth e dental implants .
Bruxism in children
There is generally no need to worry if bruxism appears in babies with milk teething. Many parents are alarmed by hearing important noises while their little ones are sleeping. Generally with the change with permanent dentition these problems tend to self-resolve. If, on the other hand, they also appear in permanent teeth, it is necessary to analyze the problem with your own dentist of trust.

Bruxism bite cost
The cost of treating bruxism with an individual bite appliance has a very variable cost as it varies from patient to patient. Therefore for a personalized quote you need one visit to the studio .
We know that you can buy standard appliances sold as a bite online or in a pharmacy
but they have nothing to do with customized medical devices
that we provide in conjunction with medical treatment.