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Age of wisdom teeth eruption

The last teeth of the lower and upper arch are called wisdom teeth, third molars or eighths because they are the eighth tooth of each hemiarch. They erupt in old age, between 18 and 30 years, which is why they are called wisdom teeth.










How many wisdom teeth are there?

A precise answer cannot be given. There are usually four wisdom teeth in all, one for each hemiarcate; however, it sometimes happens that someone more appears (hyperdontics) or someone less (hypodontics). When there are more than four it is always best to extract wisdom teeth.

Abnormal positions of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, since they are born last, sometimes do not find the right space and for this reason they erupt in abnormal positions (crooked wisdom teeth) or are even completely included in the bone and can only be identified through a panoramic radiograph (OPT).


Wisdom teeth symptoms

Bad wisdom tooth. The symptoms of the wisdom tooth are very clear. They start with mild pain in the gum that begins to swell to the point where it gets crushed between your teeth. The swelling may increase until the profile of the face changes. This symptomatology can also be accompanied by fever and headache (wisdom teeth and headache).

Abscess of the wisdom tooth

Due to the abnormal position of the wisdom teeth, they are difficult to reach by any type of toothbrush and therefore abscesses are easily formed which must be temporarily treated with  drug therapy . For the definitive solution, once the abscess has healed, the third molar must be extracted.


Why are third molars born?

Everyone knows that wisdom teeth are completely useless for chewing, so why are they born? Primitive humans once had larger jawbones than ours because, having to chew harder foods, they needed stronger chewing muscles and more molar teeth. Over time, the foods began to cook and became softer the evolution of the human species, therefore, led to an increase in the bones of the skull, to make room for more gray matter, and to decrease the volume of the jaw bones. As a result, the number of molar teeth has decreased and in a few centuries (many) wisdom teeth will probably be gone.

When should they be extracted?

Wisdom teeth do not always need to be extracted, they may have found the right space and remain in their seat perfectly aligned without giving any kind of problem. However there are cases in which they need to be extracted, let's see when:


When they are partially erupted

In this circumstance an inflammation of the gum called disodontiasis or pericoronaritis is created due to the inevitable accumulation of food residues. Caries due to the difficulty of cleaning is always lurking and threatens not only the wisdom tooth itself, but also the other molars as can be seen from this X-ray.



When they are partially erupted and inclined

In this case, in addition to causing inflammation and abscesses, they could cariate the penultimate molar


When they create periodontal problems

Sometimes problems can be created due to the accumulation of food  periodontal  to the near molar (second molar) difficult to treat.

Wisdom tooth extraction promotes self-cleansing and lo  tooth brushing  for which it always determines an improvement of  periodontitis  when this is present.


When they are rotten

It is really difficult and certainly useless to treat a tooth that has no use


When there are abscesses

In the presence of abscesses, especially when they are repeated with a certain frequency, the wisdom teeth must be extracted. An abscess of an untreated wisdom tooth can have some important consequences such as: brain abscess, submandibular abscess, anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve, skin fistula, trismus (the jaws clench and do not open) and fever.


When we need to put an orthodontic appliance

Wisdom teeth can create forces on other teeth that are so important that in some cases they can counteract the orthodontic forces exerted by a  orthodontic appliance.













Can i avoid wisdom tooth extraction?

In some cases when the gum around a wisdom tooth is very swollen in addition to extraction, with anesthesia, the inflamed and excess gum can be removed (gingivectomy) using the  LASER


At what age should wisdom teeth be removed?

There is no precise indicative age in which to extract the wisdom tooth.
Generally if it gives problems it is preferable to remove it as soon as possible. In some cases it is possible and above all it is much easier to remove the wisdom tooth before it forms completely (germectomy).

Dental extraction surgery

Wisdom tooth surgery is a simpler operation than you can imagine. It is an operation equal to the extraction of normal teeth; they present some more difficulties because they are located in the posterior areas of the mouth and are sometimes crooked and partially included in the bone. In these cases, the extraction also involves the separation of the roots and the removal of some bone. When the third molars are located near some nerves, the dentist's attention should be greater but this does not make the wisdom tooth operation impossible or dangerous.

Is it painful to extract wisdom teeth?

The extraction of wisdom teeth has now become a routine procedure. There is no pain as it is performed under local anesthesia.

Today, anesthetic techniques are so advanced that they allow you to operate in complete safety and tranquility.

After the extraction, slight swelling and pain may occur, which are part of the normal healing process and which can be kept under control with antibiotics and pain relievers.

10 things NOT to DO after tooth extraction  


  1. Do not rinse your mouth for the first 8-12 hours after extraction.

  2. Do not have hot drinks or food.

  3. Do not smoke for the first 2-3 days after extraction.

  4. Don't chew gum for a week after pumping.

  5. Do not take drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) which could interfere with clotting.

  6. Do not brush your teeth in that area for at least a week in case of complicated extractions.

  7. Do not engage in sports or heavy physical activities for the first 2 or 3 days after the extraction.

  8. Sleeping with your head elevated on multiple pillows helps reduce bleeding and swelling.

  9. The ideal diet after extraction consists of cold, soft foods and lots of liquids.

  10. Adequate rest, in the days following the extraction, promotes rapid healing.

How much does it cost to extract a wisdom tooth?

The rates of a wisdom tooth extraction are highly variable and depend

the degree of difficulty generally ranges from 150 to 600 euros.
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